Развитие рынка недвижимости в Центральной Азии и Казахстане / Development Of The Real Estate Market In Central Asia And Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan Networking Partners is a company that develops the real estate market in Central Asia and Kazakhstan. We are not indifferent to the professionalism of our colleagues and the quality of their projects, and we believe that our market can become an example for the whole world.

To allow market synergy to work, we hold networking business meetings, present niche companies and their solutions, pay attention to real estate in Central Asian cities and beyond. We also pay attention to education and give experts the opportunity to exchange insights in a closed club.

Here is a complete list of our activities through which we cover and develop specialists and the Central Asian real estate market:

  • We train all structural departments of developers at Real Estate Business School according to international programs from IREM and BIFM
  • We hold meetings at the closed RED CA club to exchange insights in the field of marketing, sales and promotion of residential real estate
  • We conduct annual awards of the best projects and specialists in real estate at CRE Week
  • We conduct business breakfasts and study tours to the facilities together with the office of the FIABCI World Real Estate Federation in Central Asia

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